One 🦍 POWERFUL 🦍 Exercise For SCARY Emotions

A simple trick to distance yourself from your emotions.

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In today’s post, I’m going to give you a simple exercise you can do anywhere that will help you quickly move through scary emotions.

The more you practice this exercise over time the more you’ll distance yourself neurologically from these emotions and the less invasive they’ll feel.

Note** a major problem I’ve noticed with people recently is “emotional accountability.”

People will say things like “My brain is feeling this” or “My anxiety this” and these phrases don’t serve you because you’re removing yourself from the driver’s seat when you are the driver, even if you don’t always understand why.

To feel better mentally, you want to make sure you’re always taking accountability for all of your emotional states. Statements like “I don’t know why I’m making myself so anxious right now” are empowering. You’re in the driver’s seat. You’re in control. You dictate your progress.

Your emotions only have life within your mind, and whether you understand why or not, you are creating all of them.

The Exercise:

When you create an overwhelming emotion for yourself, most commonly fear, anxiety, panic, rage, or something else, label the emotion mentally and give it a rating on a scale of 1-10.

Let’s say you’re anxious - you would label the emotion, anxiety, and then its rating, for example, 9.

It’s even more helpful if you do it out loud, but 99% of the time I would just do this in my head (not trying to make you look crazy in public places by shouting FEAR, 12, lol).

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When you’re first starting with this exercise, you might not notice a difference immediately.

In this case, it’s helpful to check in on the emotion, and then run through the exercise again.

For example:

What emotion am I creating right now? Panic. What level am I making it? Level 9. Is the panic still there? If yes, repeat the exercise.

After repeating this several times you should notice a shift in the emotion. You might catch yourself yawning or sighing a big sigh. These are GOOD signs.

Over time, your emotions won’t scare you as much as you’ll be able to move through them more easily and will feel more in control.

This exercise also helps you create distance between you and your emotions, and realizing you are not your thoughts or emotions and that you have control over them will do wonders for you.

As always, feel free to drop a comment or reply to this email with any questions.



P.S. I’d really appreciate you sharing this newsletter with anyone you think would benefit from this information. I hope you and your loved ones soon realize you have the ability to overcome mental health challenges.

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